Hi guys,
I've just started an e-mail group for our class at Google, but I don't have everyone's active e-mail, so some of you might want to help me out.
These are the people I've already sent an invite to:
Junwen (jw_riquelme85@hotmail.com)
Junping (junping85@hotmail.com)
Winston (snowblower_69@hotmail.com)
Gabriel (gabriel_lh@hotmail.com)
Shuhui (iuhuhs85@hotmail.com )
Jesper (jespercheong@hotmail.com)
Angie (green_daee@hotmail.com )
Hanyu (hyzhou@singnet.com.sg)
Kathryn (kath_bumpkin@hotmail.com )
Jengying (weebo_weebette10@yahoo.com.sg)
Alvin (tchui@hotmail.com )
Xiwen (pinkshootingstar3@hotmail.com)
Michael (mlui85@yahoo.com.sg)
If anyone is aware that any of the above e-mails are inactive, please let me know (my e-mail add is: wongderui@gmail.com). I'll make the necessary changes, and re-send the invite.