02s61 class blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hi guys,

I've just started an e-mail group for our class at Google, but I don't have everyone's active e-mail, so some of you might want to help me out.

These are the people I've already sent an invite to:

Junwen (jw_riquelme85@hotmail.com)
Junping (junping85@hotmail.com)
Winston (snowblower_69@hotmail.com)
Gabriel (gabriel_lh@hotmail.com)
Shuhui (iuhuhs85@hotmail.com )
Jesper (jespercheong@hotmail.com)
Angie (green_daee@hotmail.com )
Hanyu (hyzhou@singnet.com.sg)
Kathryn (kath_bumpkin@hotmail.com )
Jengying (weebo_weebette10@yahoo.com.sg)
Alvin (tchui@hotmail.com )
Xiwen (pinkshootingstar3@hotmail.com)
Michael (mlui85@yahoo.com.sg)

If anyone is aware that any of the above e-mails are inactive, please let me know (my e-mail add is: wongderui@gmail.com). I'll make the necessary changes, and re-send the invite.

Hi guys!

How's it going? I hope everyone's doing great. Anyway, Junwen and I are thinking of organising a class gathering sometime in the month of July, so we'll need some input from you guys regarding the dates that you'll be free. Hopefully, we'll be able to accommodate everyone's schedule.

The itinerary will be a movie followed by a chill-out session at a cafe or dinner. So far, we're thinking of catching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. However, if anyone has any other suggestions for the movie, please let us know, and we can put it to a vote.

Please reply soon ya.