02s61 class blog

Saturday, September 24, 2005

It has been a long while since I ve posted an entry. I know that there are still people who constantly visit this blog. I happened to come across the statistics yesterday..its like 152 over the last 366 days..which means someone visits this blog once at least every 3 days, out of curiosity, boredom, nostalgia or concern. Not too bad for a graveyard lol.

As for myself, theres nothing much to update on my life too.

"Its like groundhog day everyday. Every morning, you wake up to the disgusting alarm clock sound of your handphone. Trying to shakeoff the grogginess from your somnolent zombie self. You proceed to dress up in the army uniform in a mechanical fashion. You begin to question yourself about individual existence. MaybeI m just another clone like Ewan McGregor seeking for the Island.You smile to yourself in the mirror and say in the most positive, convincing manner: fresh day for fresh shitwork."

Killing two birds with one stone.I hope u all dun mind the reused material :p

Aedes is probably scarier than aids for the moment. maybe the army might even start issuing condom suits for army personnel for people to don on when conducting exercises.

I'm spending too much and enjoying too little for now. Ok its time for more free entertainment,
back to my Maple Story. The more creatures i kill, the more time i pass, the sooner my ord.

Mike: I have trouble finding a decent photo in my com. Might take some time to hunt for one :)