Hey ppl..back from Stagmont Camp again. It's been relatively slack this week..had like 2 consecutive night's off on wed n thurs as a reward for doing sai kung, which is directly translated as shit work, or to put it simply: menial work. Basically, my camp is undergoing some kinda refurbishment, the walls are getting whitewashed and the antiquated furniture which dates back to the late 1970s are getting replaced. Aha, but the catch is we've to shift out the old furniture down ourselves. So yup, we'd to transport metal cabinets and bed frames from the 5th floor all way down to the ground floor. But the thing is that the old furniture they made us carry down were not ours, but from other rooms. So in essence, all the sweat and toil that we went through were entirely for the benefit of future batches of trainees and not us! (Yes, I'm very selfish but you can't fault me for that after having been a stand-in Bangladeshi coolie.) But oh well, at least we got our night's off.
However, despite being used as slaves at times, the people at Signals Institute are pretty welfare. Just yesterday, thank heavens to the showers of blessings from above, my radio exercise was prematurely cut before nightfall. But the thing was that the cookhouse didn't prepare our dinner cos they thought we'd still be outfield having combat rations for dinner. Just as we thought we'd to consume the vomit-inducing combat rations, our platoon sergeant announced that we could order pizza! When the pizzas came, it was pure ecstasy. I gorged on the food like an animal starved for months. In the end, I managed 6 slices of pizza, but one of my bunk mates managed 8. which is equivalent to one whole extra large pizza. He looked quite gross after that cos when you looked at his side profile, it was probably no different from that of a lady halfway thru her pregnancy.
So ya, maybe army life isn't so bad after all. Wonder how the other guys in army are doing now..